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» Seven Examples of Programs Linux / FOSS What to Wear Caution
Seven Examples of Programs Linux / FOSS What to Wear Caution
- nmap = being able to see the port (not port) that turns on the network
- Nessus = being able to know the weaknesses of the program smoldering in the network.
- ifconfig = because it could change the network hardware address (mac address)
- wireshark = being able to find the password wifi access point, such as WEP
- sudo rm-fr = being able to delete the whole directory / folder and its contents
- sudo fdisk / dev / sda = as the next step could be to remove the hard drive
- Samba = because it can "deceive" people who were searching for the Windows folder.
Written By : TEKNIK INFORMATIKA UIM ~ Blog which contains all of the search buddy from blogspot tricks, design, linux operating system and all of what I have experienced daily written here